Borealis Solutions



Calendar Management

Let’s chat about calendar management today! Whether you are a paper calendar person or a digital calendar person, figuring out how to manage your schedule is really important.

I love colour coding. I love it on paper and I love it digital. Our kids are still young enough that their schedules are not too crazy – I am thankful for that. As they started to get into different activities, I decided to create a different calendar for each of us. As I mentioned last week, we meal plan every week and that can get confusing in all of our calendars so I even made one for that.

If you are using this for business, you could created a calendar for each project, course, or client. I worked with a client who uses Google Calendar. She is the one who introduced me to organizing this way. I found it easier to see what her day looked like and if I could schedule something in for her.

Some people may find this a little much but there are days when we have multiple things happening and our phones are very colourful. It is a way for us to communicate and keep our life a little more organized. If we are invited to an event, we can look in the calendar to see if anything is going on and accept the invitation or not.

Do you use a calendar? Do you like paper calendars? Are you a digital calendar person? What tips and tricks do you have for me?